Sunday, October 27, 2013

Kreo/Lego Props and Things

I'm over halfway done with creating and lighting the sets for the Get the Diamonds short. I'm hoping to get done with that and start animating by the beginning on next week. *crosses finger*

But for now I thought I'd share some screenshots of some of the props and things(hence the title).

Here's a destructible Sputnik I made for one of the shots. I worked off this Lego  instruction image. Without any actual pieces it was a lot of guessing for the part sizes and actually making all the parts was kind of tedious. A simple metal material makes the parts look really great.

 I also modeled the diamonds like the Lego gems. The material is just a variation on one of the glass presets. I thought of trying to add color abberations to the shine like real diamonds, but I decided to see if I have time to come back to it. They are so small that I'm not sure if its worth the effort, with the timetable I have, and never having done it before.

 Modeling the rifle the Cobra Troopers did was REALLY annoying and difficult. Every image I could find was blurry or small and the black color on them just made it impossible to guess the details right. So I gave it my best shot. I know its not accurate, but with the black material on them I'm not sure it will matter.

While I was working on the rifles, I realized that somehow I made the Snow Trooper but not the regular Cobra Trooper. Luckily I just needed to do textures. So I've done that now, and I fixed the backwards chest.

 Lastly for tonight, I have the arcade machine in its actual environment. I was given the color texture to use by the screenwriter, so I really just had to model around that. I added a bump and specular map. I put the screen on a separate piece so I could add glow and put a small area light underneath to cast a tiny bit of light. The joystick was in the texture, but I painted it out and modeled a real one. The textures are step animated on or off like the face graphics on the characters with a simple set driven key attribute. (the purple glow is from the best set piece which I'll show later with the set images later)

I other news: OH MAN I LOVE HALLOWEEN! I wish I had cash to blow on making a sweet costume. More specifically LEDs(I've been watching too much Faceoff). And the MCAD Art sale is next month! AH! I gotta print stuff!

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