Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Motion Graphics

Look, I did some motion graphics examples so I could maybe get more work. They really aren't that special. Just something to show that I can do things.

Here's Plop. I could have used nParticles to make the puddle, or I could have made a blend shape or some deformers on it, but I wanted to do it fast, so I didn't. I just animated a blobby shape going through a plane like a lazy person.

As for the Plop letters themselves. I just used the Text tool with a bevel and a little experimentation. I seperated the letters and then regrouped them. I used a lattice deformer on the group to make the letter bend as they fall, but I probably could have just used a bend deformer. Then when the letters float in the puddle I just animated the individual letters rotation and position. Since the lattice was on the group and not actually the letters, it was all pretty simple. Slap on a blinn, animate a camera, done.

Shing was even more simple. I made the text with the text tool as before and then used the cut faces tool to make the cut. Most of it was just animating the cut bits falling down. I did animate a point light across the cut. After it was rendered I put in the flash in AE by animating a mask on a solid.

Pop was really the best. I was messing about with shaders to try to make something extra sparkely or something, and I found a bubble shader on Creative Crash that was free use. Looking at it, its pretty simple and I may use it my origami short. Anyway, I made pop to try out the shader. I took the text shapes and bulged them out with the bulge brush and just rendered the text out sitting there with its animated bubble texture. In AE I made up a background was some stock photos and animated the rendered 'pop'. I added some turbulant distortion to make the it more wobbely like a bubble and put a short simple particle effect at the end. Groovy.

I have ideas for more, but I'm not sure I want to spend the time on it with so many projects going on. Maybe if I see a motion graphics job post I'll do some of them.  I'm back in illustrator working on La Jolla's Mermaid now. But like I said, lots going on.

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